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Frequently Asked Questions
How is Roots and Fruits 2 different to the first volume?
It is a one year programme of collective worship rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and focussing on the six values Wisdom, Hope, Community, Dignity, Peace and Joy. Poetry, art, story, drama, puppets, symbol and reflection & mindfulness strategies will all help to bring Jesus’ teaching alive for children.
Does Roots and Fruits 2 have supporting resources?
For most acts of worship, a PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded containing all parts of the worship that the text indicates should be shared on screen
How do I access supporting resources for Roots and Fruits 2?
Use the password on page 2 of the book, opposite the contents page. Just click on the ‘Download Resources’ tab at the foot of the Roots & Fruits 2 page on the Imaginor website, type in the password, click return and you will be taken to a page with all the available downloadable files.
What are the themes for each half term?
The book is split into 6 chapters, one for each half term, Chapter themes are: The Words of Jesus; Advent and Christmas; People Jesus meets; Lent and Easter; the Parables of Jesus; the Miracles of Jesus.